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e- Flow Colombia 2021: Virtual training program in cytometry

Mon, May 10


Online course

Virtual training program in cytometry. 7-module program aimed at students and professionals in the life sciences, clinical and engineering areas as a first approach and / or update. International teachers.

e- Flow Colombia 2021: Virtual training program in cytometry
e- Flow Colombia 2021: Virtual training program in cytometry

Horario y ubicación

May 10, 2021, 9:00 AM – Dec 04, 2021, 6:00 PM

Online course

Acerca del evento


Flow cytometry is one of the most used instrumental techniques in our environment and has had a growing and continuous boom since the 1980s, flow cytometry is a tool with applications in immunology, chemistry, genetics, neurosciences, etc. It requires the development of skills in aspects of basic physics, chemistry, biology, immunology, statistics and experimental design in order to get the most out of the data obtained. Continuing education course with University Certification

Curricular objective

Establish the basic principles that the student must acquire about flow cytometry for the planning of experiments, the acquisition of samples and the analysis of data.

Who can take the course?

Students and professionals from the life sciences, clinical and engineering areas with an interest in the technique as a first approach and / or update


International teachers who belong to the Iberamericana Network of Flow Cytometry, a virtual platform in synchronous and asynchronous modality.


USD 100 per module / USD 500 full program

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